Yemen Resources

Image by Fahd Ahmed // Last updated: 11th March 2024

*While we endeavor to provide trustworthy recommendations, users are urged to conduct their own research before donating to other organizations. Office of Displaced Designers cannot be held liable for any actions or outcomes resulting from such donations.


The Burdened

a film that tells the story of a middle-class family suffering the economic consequences of civil war.
Directed by Amr Gamal

The New Arab

an article exploring Britain’s complex colonial legacy and the national divides inherited from imperial rule.

The Front

a short video explaining the Aden Crisis [1963-1967] and how this battle still effects the country today.

The Cradle

an investigation into foreign states and companies that have engaged in the illicit plundering of Yemen's oil and gas.


Al Jazeera

an overview of Yemen’s war explained through maps and charts.
By Mohammed Haddad.

Yemen Tribal Voices

a collection of reports, stories and podcasts that centre local voices; led by Nadwa Al-Dawsari, a Yemeni researcher and conflict analyst.

Conflict and Environment Observatory

collection of reports on environmental issues in relation to the ongoing conflict.

Thana Faroq

a Yemeni artist based in the Netherlands exploring sense of belonging, memory, and intergenerational trauma.


Amnesty International

support urgent human rights campaigns against censorship and freedom of expression.


fight against internet shutdowns with the #KeepItOn advocacy toolkits. Connection is paramount during conflict.

Local Governance in Yemen

Submit a resource on local governance for Yemen.

Yemen Journey

sell Yemeni handcrafts and coffee to support farmers and artisans from across Yemen.


Mona Relief and Development

delivering essential supplies to families across Yemen.


supporting small and medium enterprises through training and cash transfers.

Yemen Aid

delivering humanitarian aid to at-risk families.

World Food Program

providing essential rations to food-insecure households across Yemen.


Hidden Architecture

a study of the old walled city of Shibam; the “Manhattan of the desert”.

Amal Yemen Talent Portal

discover Yemeni creatives; visual artists, culinary masters, musicians and content creators.