Palestine Resources

Image by Ash Hayes // Last updated: 19th February 2024

*While we endeavor to provide trustworthy recommendations, users are urged to conduct their own research before donating to other organizations. Office of Displaced Designers cannot be held liable for any actions or outcomes resulting from such donations.


The Present

a short film showing the challenges of everyday Palestinian life in the West Bank.
Directed by Farah Nabulsi [2020]


the true story of two American Jews whose lives take a turn after they discover the brutal truth of the Israeli regime.
Directed by Erin Axelman, Sam Eilertsen

Breaking the Silence

an organisation of Israeli military soldiers who aim to expose the public to the reality of everyday life in the Occupied Territories.


a Palestinian-led transformative education organisation that strengthens voices for Palestinian rights.


Campus in Camps

an experimental educational program initiated in Dheisheh Refugee Camp in Bethlehem that forged connections in and between people, camps, institutions.

Forensic Architecture

a research agency that uses cutting-edge techniques in spatial and architectural analysis to investigate human rights abuses.

Palestine Open Maps

Explore, search and download historical maps and spatial data on Palestine

1.8million Displaced Here

an interactive tool that allows you to overlay the area of Rafah onto your city, wherever you are.


Architects for Gaza

a collective movement of built environment professionals calling for peace and coordinated re-building of Gaza.

Find a Protest

a global list of protests regularly updated.

No Tech for Apartheid

demand that Google + Amazon divest from apartheid and hold them accountable for their human rights commitments.

Disarming Design

support Palestinian artisans by shopping unique products.


e-sims for Gaza

allows people within Gaza to communicate with their families and connect to the outside world. This is especially important for documenting crimes against humanity.

Medical Aid for Palestinians

NGO with 30 years experience providing critical medical support directly on the ground.

Rebuilding Alliance

a charitable organisation that helps Palestinian communities rebuild. Currently supporting community chefs to provide essential meals.


the United Nations relief and works agency for Palestinian refugees in the near east is the largest supporter of Palestinians.